Claire Murgatroyd

Short Bio


Flower Bed : newly weds 

Flower Bed : newly weds

"Art thought and art making creates new and vital regenerative energy. Similar to the life cycle of the flower, with it's journey from seed to seed, as human beings, we transmute by cosmic electrical soul energy to realize that we are divine"

Positive Timeline 2012 Orb at VanDusen Botanical Gardens, Vancouver, Canada

                 "Orb at VanDusen 2012" by Claire Murgatroyd               

Welcome to my website!

Claire Murgatroyd is originally from Waterdown, Ontario and is now based in Vancouver as a multi-disciplinary artist. Her artistic creations of functional, kinetic, magnetic, abstract, 2D and 3D mediums have gained her recognition as an artist with a distinct voice.

Installation works include:

"Light Motif","The Life Designer Portal", "Flower Bed","Eartha The Snapping Turtle", "Sophia","The Love Your Self Seat", "The Soak Your Self Seat on Livingstone Lake", "Venus and Eartha", "Spiritual Armour: The Seven Psychic Shields",  "The Fairy Ring Cloakroom" featuring "The Owl Strix Wings".

"Tree of Life  - banner" by Claire Murgatroyd

       " promoting confidence and personal exploration in the trades and the arts"

- Claire Murgatroyd

                   "Exterior Pendulum Gallery" by Claire Murgatroyd

The Sculptors' Society of BC 50th Anniversary Exhibition (1974 - 2024) 

Pendulum Gallery, Vancouver BC

Please view the new gallery :  Light Motif

Place des Arts

"The world will give you as much love as you give yourself"

- The Love Your Self Seat

This custom upholsterd "Love Your Self Seat" sofa is richly textured in a yellow honeycomb/hexagon motif. "The Shower of Light" above it casts a deep golden glow. Originally a discarded cast iron bath tub, one side of it has been cut away to create a multi-layered work of functional art.

The "Love Your Self  Seat" is intended to inspire positive values and spiritual awareness concerning our own self acceptance and reconciliation of our inner self love. If people are conscious of how important their internal thoughts are, in this case, the subject of "loving one's self" this can deeply affect quality of life. The internal  "4D thought-form" acts like a blueprint that forms our personal 3D reality.

On a spiritual level our thoughts are brought to life on a moment to moment basis using the electrical charge of our emotions causing either positive or negative results. In applying this theory, the world will give you as much love as you give yourself. May I borrow a quote from Buddha, "We create our world with our thoughts, our words and our deeds".


Opening Night At Place des  Arts



 Port Moody Olympic Award

"created to deflect negativity and emit truth and love"- The Pentagram "Apple" Psychic Shield 

When you slice an apple transversally you discover a five pointed star which is the origin of the pentagram. (Graves, R., The White Goddess, 1948) The upright pentagram or pentacle is a popular symbol from the science of alchemy that has long been believed to be a potent symbol for spiritual protection. The Pentagram Apple Psychic Shield was created to deflect and neutralize Electrical Low Frequency (ELF) which is fear based  human emotional psychic energy. Symbolically, this spiritual armour will dissolve debilitating  fear, anger, resentment and unforgiveness caused by psychological warfare which occurs in our subconcious mind due to cultural programming and unexpressed emotion . Awareness and clearing of these aspects of ourselves greatly empowers ones' inner truth and wisdom.

Please go to the Selected Works Gallery on the left to view other Psychic Shields from this series.

Medium: cold formed and cast aluminum

2010 Wearable Art Awards "Olympic" Category winner!

Port Moody, City of the Arts

Please visit:


Best in Show  +  Best in Category : Wearable Art Competition,  Port Moody Arts Centre (2004)

                                            "Swan Diva - Alvin Erasga Tolintino :Side View" by Claire Murgatroyd

Helen Pitt Award (1997)

Beyond Borders College Art Competition
Western Washington University (1997)

Friends Of Emily Carr Award (1997)

Sculpture Award , Langara College (1995)

Manual Skills Award , Langara College (1995)

Graphic Technician: Faculty Award ,
Conestoga College, Kitchener, Ontario (1980)

Wearable Art

"Triptic "Owl Strix Wings"" by Claire Murgatroyd

"seek and reveal all truths" - The Owl Strix Wings

The owl is a bird that represents wisdom. With it's superior oracular power, not only can the owl see in the dark and fly silently it can accuratly pinpoint and identify any sound. Symbolically, where others can be deceived, the "Owl Strix Wings" wearer will seek and reveal all truths. Each feather of the "Owl Strix Wings" has been cold formed from recycled aircraft aluminum. The feathers are attached to a frame of cable developed from aluminum and rubber tubing. This frame allows the wings to have great flexibility. The wings are stabilized to the human body with a cast aluminum "wish bone". This wish bone is the clavicle or collarbone that enables the wearer to carry the "Owl Strix Wings" into flight.

These images are of internationally recognised local dancer Alvin Erasga Tolentino. Alvin attended the opening of the installation "The Fairy Ring Cloakroom" at the Roundhouse Community Center which included the "Owl Strix Wings". After viewing this exhibition he was inspired to collaborated with me, thus creating his successful work titled "Swan Diva". Alvin performed Swan Diva at the following venues; Reinventing the Diva Festival, Western Front, Vancouver (1998), F.I.D.A. Dance Festival, Toronto and Montreal (1999) and Dancing on the Edge Festival, Vancouver (1999)

Tolentino Dance Collection Video:

The photograph is by Kiku Hawkes Photography