Claire Murgatroyd

Bloedel Floral Conservatory

"Central Sun" by Claire Murgatroyd "Blue Lotus" by Claire Murgatroyd "Tree of Life " by Claire Murgatroyd "Eartha at the Bloedel" by Claire Murgatroyd "Venus" by Claire Murgatroyd "Pentagram Apple Psychic Shield" by Claire Murgatroyd "Labrys with Western Blue Tailed Butterflies" by Claire Murgatroyd "Sophia at the Bloedel" by Claire Murgatroyd "Owl Strix Wings at the Bloedel" by Claire Murgatroyd
"Eartha at the Bloedel" by Claire Murgatroyd
Eartha at the Bloedel
The 7th Psychic Shield: Eartha The Snapping Turtle with 12 Rhombidodecadodecahedron Eggs