Claire Murgatroyd

Selected Works

"Venus and Eartha" by Claire Murgatroyd "Eartha Lays Her Eggs" by Claire Murgatroyd "12 Snapping Turtle rhombidodecahedron eggs" by Claire Murgatroyd "Venus: Psychic Shield Series" by Claire Murgatroyd "The Blue Lotus:  Psychic Shield Series" by Claire Murgatroyd "The Labrys: Psychic Shield Series" by Claire Murgatroyd "Pentagram Apple: Psychic Shield Series" by Claire Murgatroyd "Central Sun : Psychic Shield Series" by Claire Murgatroyd "Tree of Life" by Claire Murgatroyd "Light Motif - below view" by Claire Murgatroyd "Portrait of an Artist within an inverted step pyramid" by Claire Murgatroyd "Owl Strix Wings" by Claire Murgatroyd "Swan Diva -  Alvin Erasga Tolentino" by Claire Murgatroyd "Swan Diva - Alvin Erasga Tolintino :Side View" by Claire Murgatroyd "DNA Cabinet" by Claire Murgatroyd "Flower Bed" by Claire Murgatroyd "The Soak Yourself Seat" by Claire Murgatroyd "The Love Your Self Seat" by Claire Murgatroyd "Neolithic Disco : Archaic Revival" by Claire Murgatroyd "Three Wishes" by Claire Murgatroyd
"The Soak Yourself Seat" by Claire Murgatroyd
The Soak Yourself Seat
48" x 84"
Mixed Media
Available for Sale
The frame is made of 1"dia. steel tubing which has been powder coated in silver-grey. The webing is made out of green soaker hose. In the centre of the chair is a spiralling irrigation fixture. The chair can also be used as a wheel barrow by utilizing the front wheel.